Art Explorium » ContributeArt Explorium -

Support young artists with a gift today

Your tax-deductible financial contribution allows Art Explorium to work directly toward our mission of providing a community art studio to nurture the creative potential in children. Our art programs allow children of all ages to create, explore, play and experiment. By reusing various materials we also encourage a deeper respect for our beautiful island home.

Your donation supports a fun and safe space where children can create to their hearts’ content at a very affordable rate. It also allows us to offer field trip and special opportunities for children who are not able to afford our programs.

Art Explorium’s programs are unique in Hawai’i, and we fulfill important community needs. No contribution is too small.

You can also today via PayPal (you do not need a PayPal account to donate).

Finally, you can mail a donation to:

Art Explorium
1132D Koko Head Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96816

We sincerely thank you for your support.